Income Above Cost of Living in California State
The percent of households with incomes above the real cost of living, as calculated by United Ways of California’s Real Cost measure.
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California Latino Economic Scorecard
As the largest racial or ethnic group in California, the economic well-being of Latinos will play a critical role in the long-term economic success of the state. Latinos continue to experience much lower economic well-being in the state than California’s population as a whole.
More Information »United Way Real Cost Measure
United Ways of California is pleased to release Struggling to Stay Afloat: The Real Cost Measure in California 2019, a new report on the financial challenges of working families. Unlike the official poverty measure which primarily accounts for the cost of food, the Real Cost Measure incorporates the costs of housing, food, health care, child care, transportation and other basic needs to determine what it really costs to live in rcm 2019 report coverCalifornia.
More Information »Healthy Places Index
Neighborhood-by-neighborhood, the HPI maps data on social conditions that drive health — like education, job opportunities, clean air and water, and other indicators that are positively associated with life expectancy at birth. Community leaders, policymakers, academics, and other stakeholders use the HPI to compare the health and well-being of communities, identify health inequities and quantify the factors that shape health.
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